Saturday 18 February 2017

Demon Fiddler Crab Complete

I finished this guy a few days ago but never got around to photographing him. I'm happy with the end result. He's a big guy for 28mm, huge for 15mm and wouldn't look too out of place in 54mm either. The arms are separate pieces. I'll see if there is any interest in him being purchased and put up for sale.

 And a scale shot with a grenadier 28mm knight.

Friday 17 February 2017

Big Brain Boss

I've had this guy sitting for a while now. I really just need to do a bit more sanding on the main brain. I've created some optics on the front out of GS. Six little eye holes. The pipe roller came really in handy when creating the tubes for the brain, attaching it to the home hoversled.

I'm thinking the underside needs something else, but also thinking I don't want to overdo it. It's a fine line.

Wednesday 15 February 2017

Nearly there.

The tentacle beast is coming along really nicely now. I've attached all the baskets together, 3 on each side, and have blu-tacked them to the side of the beast to see how it looks. I've put the wooden panel on the side of one as well. This needs some straps to give it a suspended look rather than just sticking there. The tentacles are all completed minus a bit of sanding and I've made attachments for them on the underside of the beast. Here are the pics of it at this stage. After that is work on the merchant/handler.

He's a rough sort at the moment. I really need a lot more practice with the human form but it's a beginning. He'll be wearing some sort of robe/cloak as well. There is a fair amount left to finish on this guy. I've also but a length of brass rod for his snagging tool.

Saturday 11 February 2017

Again, more progress on the Tentacle beast.

I've made some basic extra tentacles now. These ones still need a bit of work. I need to add the tips to the tentacles so the wire is hidden underneath.

So with a bit of magic I managed to take these photos (Okay so I flipped them upside down) This basically shows where they will go. Sculpting needs to go on underneath where they attach as well.

Friday 10 February 2017

More progress on the tentacle beast and the Demon Fiddler Crab

More progress has been made on the tentacle beast. The underside has been created and I have made the two long tentacles. They have small suction pads on the ends that I made with a small leather punch to get the circle and a rubber clay shaper. Now all that is left is the other tentacles and the beast is nearly finished. Only small details and piecing it together.

The Crab man, which I now call the demon fiddler crab, has a gigantic arm. I'm thinking it may be slightly too big. I've added a shoulder since the photo was taken and also sculpted over most of the smaller arm. The base of which you can see on the right. This will probably have a smaller upper arm section. I found it better to make it longer and then take away rather than making it too short. This guy is nearly complete.

Tuesday 7 February 2017

Progress on the tentacle beast

I added the harness to one of the beasts. First I put on some small metal rings that I found on some cheap necklaces. I then mixed some milliput and GS together.
This is the first time I've used this mix and I really like it. It works nice and smooth like GS but has more solidiity to it, like milliput and it wasn't flaking like milliput tends to do by itself. This should help me stretch my stores of GS out a bit and make it cheaper too, win win!
I rolled out some thin strips of putty and put this into the grooves I had previously made. This gave it a look of tight harnesses on a rather squidgy organism.

After doing this I added some gill type breathing things to the front. To begin with it look very much like a toy rubber duck for the bath. I added a few more layers of it, and while still looking like a duck, it is toned down a little bit.

Monday 6 February 2017

A little bit crabbier

I've done a little more work on the crabman.
Basically just some ARMatures for the arms... sigh
I'm thinking fiddler crab
I may need to make the second arm smaller


A zombie's fantasy!
I've started sculpting some sci-fi zombie sorts.
Initially I was just using the leftover GS to create the little guy then I really like the idea of creating a huge brain.
Here is the little guy.

And here is the progress on the big guy. I started with a basic section that I sculpted on sketchup and printed out on my 3d printer. Unfortunately the resolution isn't the best so I generally just use it for making things where it doesn't matter if print lines show. So I sculpted over in milliput to hide the lines (rather than sanding).
I attached some tubes with one of those tube making dodackeys from Greenstuff World. 
After this had set I used some leather punches to make circles to go at the end of the tubes. It still has some way to go but it is looking good so far for a big brain leader. The actual brain needs a lot of work. I have made the basic structure for it.
rear(ish) view

front view with 28mm witch for scale


LAF build something contest

I've been working on the build something contest, over on LAF.
The theme for the contest was flight so I basically went for floating instead which is close enough to flight to be allowed. I was going to work on the chicken legged hut I have been wanting to do for a while to go with the witch I sculpted for CP models. Unfortunately I couldn't do this as I had already entered my idea.

So basically it is floating jellyfish/squid used as a beast of burden.

Here are some pics: